Author: Brennan Dunn

How Important Is Your Portfolio?

by on April 2, 2014

Ben writes in from the Philippines, “My biggest problem in freelancing (mine is web development) is not having enough ”good“ portfolio to show prospective clients. Do I really need to have one? I want to start all over again as a freelancer. Do I need to have portfolio pieces before I can start making my…

How To Defeat Burnout

by on February 18, 2014

Sooner or later, we all want to give up. A few of us act on it and go back to the relative comfort of a “show up and get paid” full-time job, or in more extreme examples give up technology and computers altogether and get into carpentry or even farming (no joke — I know a…

The Guide To Creating Email Courses

by on January 28, 2014

Last week, I described how a basic 5 day email course fueled by a Facebook ad campaign is my total marketing effort for selling my latest product, WordPress Conversion Funnel. However, I realized I didn’t go too in-depth into how I’m actually structuring and writing email courses, or about the role they play in my…

How I Went From An Idea To Paying Customers In 3 Days

by on January 21, 2014

When you see someone with thousands of newsletter subscribers, Twitter followers, or whatever other statistic often equates with success, it’s easy to get discouraged and give up on starting or launching a new product to help augment (or even replace) your freelancing income. Why would anyone buy that book you’ve been writing if no one…