(Today’s guest article is from Mojca Mars of Super Spicy Media. Take it away Mojca!) It’s the feeling of freedom and financial independence that makes being a business owner interesting, fun, and fulfilling. A lot of us would never go back to working in an office ever again. After all, we’re smart. We’re grown up….
Do you ever feel like you are stuck on a constant treadmill of having to constantly find new clients just to keep the lights on and bills paid? For years I devoted tremendous time, effort, and worry to constantly chasing new clients for my little website agency, and I felt like I was getting nowhere. I’d…
When you look at a zebra you don’t think of camouflage, do you? There stands the zebra with those incredibly contrasting stripes, and it seems to stand out like a sore thumb. That’s not the way predators see the zebra. Those stripes that we think are so conspicuous are extremely hard for predators to spot….