
Freelancing During A Recession

by on March 12, 2020

Let me open this article by making a few things clear: I’m not an economist. Nor am I a virologist. And I don’t have a crystal ball. However, given what I’m hearing from people much smarter than me, along with the recent losses in the stock market and the impending job losses, we’re headed toward…

Liquid Templating for ConvertKit

by on May 11, 2019

If you use ConvertKit and want to deliver personalized messages to your subscribers, then you’re going to want to learn Liquid. Liquid is the templating language that ConvertKit uses behind the scenes to allow for dynamic content to be added to your emails, and if you’re not a programmer it can be… well, intimidating. In…

Why I’m Switching To ConvertKit

by on February 20, 2019

So… I switched to ConvertKit. When I tweeted about it, the response was insane. After all, I’d created the leading course on Drip and those who know me know that for years I’d touted Drip as the most sophisticated, extensible, and most reliable email marketing product on the market. 1) Drip really, really screwed up with this…

The Problem With Positioning Your Business

by on November 3, 2018

What if everything you’ve been told about positioning (or niching your business) was wrong? Or maybe not 100% wrong… but at least super risky and prone to failure, especially if you’re thinking that specializing is going to lead to fixing your lead generation problems? When The Blueprint was new, I had a group of early access…

How To Build An Audience (And Get Clients And Referrals From It)

by on October 23, 2018

It’s really easy to get frustrated with finding quality client projects. Either you’re dealing with haphazard referrals from past clients… Or you’re waiting for that actually legitimate lead to fill out your site’s project request form… Or you’re frustrated with competing with the world on platforms like Upwork or haggling with penny-pinchers on Craigslist… I made a…

Is Building An Audience Worth It For Freelancers?

by on October 17, 2018

“Traditionally, consulting businesses have little of either [reach & scalability]. Consultants don’t need wide brand awareness or a large audience. They only require a small group of highly targeted individuals and organizations to be aware of their existence and services. Word of mouth is often enough to fill the pipeline for consulting businesses.”– Rand Fishkin…