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Marketing Your Business

Brennan Dunn
Laura Elizabeth
Brennan Dunn, Zach Swinehart, & Laura Elizabeth Co-Owners,

Latest Articles on This Topic:

The 80/20 of Copywriting: How Copy Can Elevate Your Freelance Game In Just 7 Days

(This is a guest post by Liston Witherill, a speaker at the upcoming Double Your Freelancing Conference. Don’t have your ticket yet? Buy your ticket while they’re still available and…

Get High-Value Clients With Social Media

(This is a guest post by Mojca Mars, a speaker at a past Double Your Freelancing Conference.) “I’m afraid we can no longer keep you on as an employee,” said…

Marketing Automation: Sell While You Sleep

(This is a guest post by Kurt Elster, a speaker at the upcoming Double Your Freelancing Conference. Don’t have your ticket yet? Buy your ticket while they’re still available and…

How To Get New Clients With Facebook Ads

One of my first marketing experiments after opening up my agency’s office in downtown Norfolk, Virginia was to setup a Facebook ad campaign advertising our web design and development services. Fast forward a few…

The Complete Guide To Finding And Selling Ecommerce Clients

In this article, I’m going to open up the kimono and give you an inside look at a conversation I had last week with someone in one of my Mastermind…

How To Increase Your “Sphere Of Influence” And Get More Referrals

There are plenty of ways for freelancers to get project leads: job marketplaces like oDesk or Elance, referrals from past clients, people finding your website through a Google search, and…

The Best Networking “Hack” I’ve Ever Used

Back when I was jumpstarting my fledging agency, I used to attend a lot of events. Between what I could find on and the events hosted by the Chamber…

How Freelancers Can Make The Most Of Networking Events

When I attended my first Chamber of Commerce meeting, I really felt like I was a fish out of water. I came in shorts… and a t-shirt. I didn’t have…

“Borrowing” An Audience: How Seminars Can Win You New Business

I was browsing through Hacker News and saw that Patrick McKenzie had mentioned me in a thread where “adyus” asked: “However, one thing that I still haven’t figured out is…

5 Tips For Freelancers To Generate New Leads

This is a guest post by Josiah Choy from KickoffLabs. KickoffLabs provides landing page and email marketing solutions. The hardest part for many freelancers and consultants is generating new business….

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