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Pricing Your Services

Brennan Dunn
Laura Elizabeth
Brennan Dunn, Zach Swinehart, & Laura Elizabeth Co-Owners,

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How To Socratically Question New Project Leads

The other day, a designer friend and I were chatting over coffee. “I have no idea what I should be saying when I meet with a new potential client.” She’d read my…

How I Won A Two Week, $55,000 Project [Case Study]

In my last post, I shared with you how I question my new clients prior to hosting a Roadmapping engagement. Today, I’m going to continue from where I left off…

Why Your Clients Want To Pay You More

A few years ago, I was prepping to release my most ambitious project to date: Double Your Freelancing Clients (which is now Sell Yourself Online: The Blueprint) As a solo entrepreneur, I was…

What If You Can’t Quantify The Value Of A Client’s Project?

“How the hell do you know how ‘successful’ a project is when you’re creating ads for global tire companies?” I remember wrestling with this question after seeing the meteoric rise of…

How To Tell Your Clients You’re Raising Your Rates

So you’re sold on value-based pricing, and now you want to start commanding a higher price point by raising your freelancing rate. Awesome! …But how do you broach the topic with your…

Pricing on Value

(This is a guest post by Jonathan Stark, a speaker at the upcoming Double Your Freelancing Conference. Don’t have your ticket yet? Buy your ticket while they’re still available and…

Value-Price, or Value-Anchor?

Value-based pricing is all the rage. “Ditch hourly!” and “Sell on value!” are stock responses on just about any Q&A thread on freelancer pricing — and these are themes I’ve written about here for…

How To Justify “More Than Market” Freelance Rates

Whenever I tell people about how I stopped caring about what other people were charging, and am now charging my clients 10x what I was charging just a few years…

Never Negotiate Your Freelance Rate

“Everything is negotiable. Whether or not the negotiation is easy is another thing.” The problem with selling time is that the buyer knows margins are high. When I ran my…

Justifying Higher Rates With Value-Based Pricing

A few days ago, I got an email from a new student of the January Masterclass. He’s been talking with a prospective client and after applying a lot of what…