Past Blueprint Students:
Get the Accountability & Support You Need to Actually Implement
Join as a sales & marketing newb.
Leave with a system for getting "clients on tap" and "clients on autopilot."
Oh, and our 12-month guarantee means you're guaranteed a $10,000 ROI if you implement. (Terms can be found lower on this page)
Act Fast! Enrollment Closes & 61% Black Friday Savings Ends Midnight on Friday:
You missed out!
Did you know...?
You're a few steps away from the FASTEST route to "clients on tap."
The Blueprint has been engineered and iterated upon to get you the fastest wins possible — in the shortest time possible.
Many freelancers spend decades in business struggling, not learning what you're about to learn in the next 6 months.
(And you'll get your first wins long before the 6 month mark)
The steps in The Blueprint aren't something you'll "stumble on if you stay in business long enough." You need to be intentional.
If you want to get "clients on tap" ASAP, and later, clients on autopilot, this is the FASTEST route to get there.
There's no magic button you can press to teleport there, but if you want a stream of endless clients ASAP, The Blueprint is the next-best thing.
That's why we have 3 rock-solid guarantees, including a 12-month, $10,000 ROI guarantee for students who implement. (Terms can be found lower on this page)
"The system is fantastic to get clients and grow your network in a very organic way without being spammy. I know my business is going to change for the better if I do the work and step a little out of my comfort zone"

Sergio Romero, Marketer
The support you need
The Blueprint TOGETHER ($1,564 value)
Our 6-month Live cohort and coaching experience
What it means for you...
Give us 6 months and we'll turn you into a client-getting wizard. (Guaranteed)
The live cohort experience of The Blueprint was designed to get you the fastest wins, keep you un-stuck, and keep you motivated.
That's why we've included...
✅ Included the live cohort experience — $582 Value
☎️ 6 Months of Targeted Blueprint Coaching Calls ($582 Value)
Get supported whenever you get stuck, and keep implementing!
✅ Included the live cohort experience — $197 Value
👯♀️ Accountability Buddy Matching ($197 Value)
Shortcut your success with the accountability and momentum you get from having someone who's waiting for you to update them on your progress 🙂
✅ Included the live cohort experience — $197 Value
👨👩👧👦 A Cohort & Community of Peers ($197 Value)
Shortcut your success by immersing yourself in a community of other students working through the same milestones as you!
You'll also lean on each other for "practice" with the early steps of the process when we match you with other community members for your "practice podcast interviews."
✅ Included the live cohort experience — $147 Value
🎯 Live Niching Workshop + Recording ($147 Value)
Come confused, leave with a niche.
✅ Included the live cohort experience — $147 Value
⛰️ Live Authority-Building Workshop + Recording ($147 Value)
Leave with a clear plan & next steps to start building your authority.
✅ Included the live cohort experience — $147 Value
📦 Live Service Offering Honing Workshop + Recording ($147 Value)
Come with vague ideas of your technical skills, leave with ideas for productized service offerings you can start validating.
✅ Included the live cohort experience — $147 Value
🎁 Gamification, Prizes, and Blueprint Progress Tracker ($147 Value)
Preserve your momentum with the excitement you'll have to stay on track with the prizes we'll be awarding for consistent progress towards your goals!
That means...
Over $1,564 in Value!
(Not to mention the value of the shortcut you'll get to your success!)
"This course presents a brilliant approach.
It allowed me to maintain 'who' I am while positioning 'what' I do to different market segments or verticals.
I have taken dozens of online programs, but this is the most comfortable approach to date.
I didn’t have to totally revamp my website, my copy, etc. I just focused my strengths toward a specific vertical.
It also feels lower risk, i.e. if it doesn’t work, I just reposition the offer RATHER THAN reposition 'me.'"

Ari Zelmanow, Researcher
Did someone say Black Friday?
Ends Nov 24: Get an Extra $538 in Free Bonuses For Black Friday!
Time until enrollment closes and 61% Black Friday Savings Goes away:
You missed out!
If you enroll by Friday Nov 24, you'll also get these bonuses for free:
✅ Black Friday Bonus — $97 Value
Live 2024 Goal Setting Workshop ($97 Value)
Kick 2024 off right with group goal setting, dreamscaping, and planning.
✅ Black Friday Bonus — $147 Value
🎯 Bonus 2023 early-bird live niching workshop + recording ($147 value)
Come confused, leave with a niche. (This is an extra BONUS live workshop for students who want to start before the official 2024 cohort start date!)
✅ Black Friday Bonus — $147 Value
⛰️ Bonus 2023 early-bird live authority-building workshop + recording ($147 value)
Leave with a clear plan & next steps to start building your authority. (This is an extra BONUS live workshop for students who want to start before the official 2024 cohort start date!)
✅ Black Friday Bonus — $147 Value
📦 Bonus 2023 early-bird live service offering honing workshop + recording ($147 value)
Come with vague ideas of your technical skills, leave with ideas for productized service offerings you can start validating. (This is an extra BONUS live workshop for students who want to start before the official 2024 cohort start date!)
That means...
Over $538 in Black Friday Awesomeness If You Enroll Today!
So, just to recap, that's...
+ $1,564 live cohort value
+ $538 in exclusive Black-Friday-only bonuses
= $2,102 in total value
Yours for just...
(Third-party financing options are also available, cuz, recession.)

The Blueprint TOGETHER — Enrollment Details
Includes lifetime access to the recordings from your cohort and a risk-free 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Enrollment Closes & Black Friday SALE Ends Midnight on Friday:
You missed out!
61% off!
Black Friday Deal
One-Time Payment
The Blueprint TOGETHER — 6 Month Live Coaching Success Program
Black Friday Bonuses:
$500 Normal Live Cohort Experience Price
+ $538 Black Friday Bonuses
= $1,038 Total Price
Black Friday Sale Price:
(61% OFF — SAVE $641!)
Who’s behind this course?
We're a team of freelancers & agency owners who love freelance consulting, but are also hell-bent on helping other freelancers learn how to master the BUSINESS of freelancing.
A lot of us (ourselves included) started freelancing because we're technically solid... but end up learning the hard way being successful is much more than just being good at what we do.
Zach Swinehart
Co-owner, Double Your Freelancing
Zach's been freelancing since 2009. For most of that time, he made the classic mistake of coasting on word of mouth referrals.
After joining DYF, he decided he needed to level up his freelance marketing skills to best support the community, so in July 2023 he started implementing The Blueprint in his own freelance business and is already seeing some awesome results. He's excited to get to share his templates, successes, & lessons learned along the way in this latest version of The Blueprint.

Founder, Double Your Freelancing
For the last decade Brennan has been working with clients. He started out as a freelancer, and after 3 years his business grew to an agency of 11 employees and a $2 million in annual revenue.
"As a small agency, we had never gotten a single quality lead out of our website, and so had neglected it for a long time. We were finally getting around to revamping it and decided to buy the Blueprint. It felt like it had been created specifically for us. Since then, we have gotten real leads who we have never spoken to before."

Andrew Askins, Developer and Agency Owner

Our Iron-Clad Guarantees
You're Guaranteed a $10,000 ROI**! (Or your money back!)
Learn more about our guarantees below...

Guarantee #1
Unconditional 30-Day, 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee
A.K.A. The "Make a Fully-Informed Decision" Guarantee
👉 Starts counting from the first day of class! So that means this guarantee covers you until February 1, 2024.
I know that if you implement what you're about to learn in The Blueprint, it'll easily add >$100,000 to your business in the coming years.
I also know that within weeks of class kicking off, you'll get access to a whole new level of confidence in your ability to get clients.
But if I were in your shoes, I know I'd have my doubts.
So consider this guarantee the "make a fully informed decision guarantee."
Just like you wouldn't buy a house without first taking a look at it, I don't want you to feel like you have to make a decision about this investment before you've seen it.
And you can only make that fully-informed decision from inside the course, and after seeing some of the initial benefits of the support & education.
So join, come to the first few weeks of class starting in January, and if you don't feel like you're on track for a whole new level of client acquisition skills, shoot us an email to by February 1, 2024 for a full refund.

Guarantee #2
Our Conditional 6-Month $2,000 ROI* Guarantee
If you put in the work, I know the payoff from what you're about to learn will be huge.
Every student who I've seen implement consistently has seen amazing results, and I know the same can happen for you.
That's why, if you meet the conditions below, we guarantee you'll add at least $2,000 in revenue in the next 6 months with what you're about to learn.
Why am I so confident?
Because 4 months ago, I (Zach) personally started implementing The Blueprint after a spending most of my freelance career coasting on word of mouth.
Brennan created the original version of The Blueprint, and in order to support the community, it became clear to me that I needed to level up in this area.
I've always struggled with marketing and proactive client acquisition. I've long thought of myself as a "conversion guy," but never a "marketer."
The act of "getting in front of strangers" has just always felt foreign to me, and like something I just. couldn't. figure out.
But nonetheless, I jumped in, started working my way through The Blueprint and the payoff has already been huge.
In the few months I've been at it, I've already gotten easily over $10,000 in present and upcoming opportunities, including new clients, new referral partners, guest podcast interview offers, offers to do JV webinars to promote my services to other peoples' lists, and more.
It's exciting to get such great early results, because I know the results will only compound as I stick with it longer.
TLDR: This stuff works.
...But only if you implement.
6-Month Guarantee Terms
The terms of the guarantee below are essentially my "recipe for how to be successful with The Blueprint."
Even if you don't care about qualifying for the guarantee, they're what I recommend you do anyway. 🙂
* How to qualify for the 6-Month $2,000 ROI Guarantee:
Spend The Time
You're about to build the marketing system that $1,000,000/year businesses use. It's gonna take some time.
TO QUALIFY: Do the homework, and track an average of at least 10 hours a week working on The Blueprint during the 6 months (24 weeks) of your cohort. (Be sure to check in & log your progress in your Blueprint Progress Tracker ideally weekly but at least once every 2 weeks!)
(Note: "Working on The Blueprint" is defined as "learning + implementation" — most of your tracked time will be implementing what you've learned. The actual learning is optimized and quick.)
You're essentially going to be building a business from scratch here. The payoff is huge, but it takes time. 10 hours a week spent growing your business is enough to bring life-changing results if you spend the 10 hours on the right things and actually spend them.
Start Your Authority-Building Podcast
This step often scares students, but we've made it easy, I promise.
TO QUALIFY: Follow the steps we'll teach you to launch a podcast for your business and release at least 14 interview episodes, 5 of which need to be with other consultants / agency owners who serve your same end client (and weren't just from within your Blueprint cohort 😉) Be sure to be connecting with your guests after the episodes with the "reciprocity overload" technique we teach!
I know, I know, you're not a podcaster and you don't want to start one.
But here's the thing: podcasts are an amazing authority-building & relationship-building tool, and they're a huge shortcut here.
There are definitely ways to succeed with The Blueprint without starting a podcast, but they add a lot of extra time and difficulty to the process.
So until we find an equally-good alternative, the podcast is our recommended authority-building step.
Criteria 3/3 — 6-Month Guarantee
Talk To Humans
As nice as it sounds to get a stream of endless clients coming in without ever talking to anyone, it's not a very efficient way to go. (It's also really expensive.) Relationships are the shortcut and, frankly, the secret to success. (I never fully appreciated this before I went through The Blueprint myself)
TO QUALIFY: Follow our relationship-building steps and leverage our scripts & swipe copy to send personalized outreach messages to at least 30 strangers over the course of your 6-month cohort, and go on at least 3 positioning refinement / validation calls. (We'll show you how to book them and what to say)
The Blueprint is going to teach you how to get a stream of clients coming in.
One big milestone along the way is comfort reaching out to strangers.
This is usually a huge comfort-zone-expanding exercise, and it serves you for the rest of your life.
(When I sent my first cold outreach email, my hand was literally shaking)
We've added structure and support to the course make this step as easy as possible for you, but I still believe it's important to do, even if once you get your systems in place, you plan to just run ads and never talk to humans again.
If you do the above and somehow still don't get a $2,000 ROI, we'll either refund you or support you until you get there — your choice.
"What Happens If I Don't Get a $2,000 ROI?"
Assuming you qualify, per the terms above, if 6 months go by and you haven't seen at least $2,000 worth of value come from what you implemented in The Blueprint and you want to "cash in your guarantee," you have two options.
We'll either support you until you get to the $2,000 ROI, or issue you a full refund of your cohort fee — your choice.
If you go for the refund, just shoot us an email at sometime in July, 2024 and we'll sort you out.
And if you want to go for the support, we'll either let you subsequent live Blueprint cohorts for free, and/or give you free access to the DYF Accelerator community until you hit that $2,000 ROI mark.
(Just be aware that you'll be expected to be continuing to meet the qualification criteria from above in terms of time spent implementing in order to retain the free indefinite support!)

Guarantee #3
Our Conditional 12-Month $10,000 ROI** Guarantee
12-Month Guarantee Terms
The beauty of the system you're about to learn is that results from it compound over time.
I have no doubt that if you start and don't stop, it'll add hundreds of thousands of dollars to your business in the coming years.
And if you follow the steps below, we guarantee it'll add at least $10,000 for you within 12 months of your cohort start date. (I expect it'll be much more)
* How to qualify for the 12-Month $10,000 ROI Guarantee:
Criteria 1/3 — 12-MONTH GUARANTEE
Qualify for the 6-Month Guarantee
In order to be eligible for the 12-month guarantee, you need to have qualified for the 6-month guarantee for your first 6 months in the program.
Be Consistent
You can't just "Do The Blueprint" for 6 months and then stop entirely. The "clients on autopilot" machine you're going to build needs to be adjusting and maintenance, like any powerful machine.
TO QUALIFY: Stay consistent with weekly episodes on your podcast, with at least 20% of your episodes being interviews with other consultants / agency owners who serve your same end client (and weren't just from within your Blueprint cohort 😉) Be sure to be connecting with your guests after the episodes with the "reciprocity overload" technique we teach!
Actually Work on Your Business & "Do Your Marketing"
Any marketing strategies you pick from within The Blueprint (or anywhere else) will require your attention. The key note is that, once you have your "clients on autopilot" machine built, you get way more leverage, automation, and repeatability.
TO QUALIFY: Be spending at least 5 hours a week on marketing / strategic relationship building, and 5 hours a week on growing your business.
If you do the above and somehow still can't trace your efforts to at least $10,000 in added revenue, we'll either refund you or support you until you get there — your choice.
"What Happens If I Don't Get the $10,000 ROI?"
Assuming you qualify, per the terms above, if 12 months go by and you haven't seen at least an extra $10,000 worth of value come from what you implemented in The Blueprint and you want to "cash in your guarantee," you have two options.
We'll either support you until you get to the $10,000 ROI, or issue you a full refund of your cohort fee — your choice.
If you go for the refund, just shoot us an email at 12-13 months after your cohort start date and we'll sort you out.
And if you want to go for the support, we'll either let you subsequent live Blueprint cohorts for free, and/or give you free access to the DYF Accelerator community until you hit that $10,000 ROI mark.
(Just be aware that you'll be expected to be continuing to meet the qualification criteria from above in terms of time spent implementing in order to retain the free indefinite support!)
The Blueprint TOGETHER — Enrollment Details
Includes lifetime access to the recordings from your cohort and a risk-free 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Enrollment Closes & Black Friday SALE Ends Midnight on Friday:
You missed out!
61% off!
Black Friday Deal
One-Time Payment
The Blueprint TOGETHER — 6 Month Live Coaching Success Program
Black Friday Bonuses:
$500 Normal Live Cohort Experience Price
+ $538 Black Friday Bonuses
= $1,038 Total Price
Black Friday Sale Price: