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Double Your Freelancing Rate
Make the transition from Hired-Gun Freelancer to Highly-Valued Consultant in less than 30 days

Here’s something to ask yourself…“Why do some freelancers charge thousands a week, and others $30 an hour?”
The most successful freelancers out there have 3 qualities in common:
- They charge more than what their competitors charge
- They close a higher percentage of leads than their competitors close
- They have more creative freedom, and they aren’t micromanaged by their clients
You’re probably thinking it’s because they’re well known. They’ve worked with the biggest brands, speak at all the right conferences, and have an incredible portfolio.
You’d think that someone who charges 10x what you do is 10x better than you — right?
Not so fast.
What’s different is that they know how to sell.
I don’t mean that they’re flashy, alpha-types who know how to wine and dine their clients into submission.
Instead, I mean that they’re acutely aware of what their clients want, what (and why) their clients value their projects, and they know how to put together a pitch that their clients can’t resist.
Their clients actually want them to charge them more.And it’s because they give their clients a better product and better results.
“HA! I told you. They’re 10x better than me, that’s why they can do that!”
That’s probably what you’re thinking now, right? I used to think that too.
What took me 3 years and $1,000,000+ in lost revenue to figure out:
Most freelancers don’t have any formal sales training
If you’re like me, you studied how to be amazing at a craft — you learned how to be a great designer, coder, writer, marketer, or photographer. But when you decided to go out on your own and work with clients, it hit you like a ton of bricks that success requires more than just mastering a craft.
I’m Brennan Dunn, and I’m a freelancer turned agency owner. I’ve been on my own for a little over a decade. A few years into my solo freelancing business I decided to grow a team. I knew that if I wanted to do this, I had to take control over how I sold. There was no other alternative. If I was going to add tens of thousands of dollars a month to my payroll I had to bring in more money and bring it in more reliably.
I had to learn how to sell myself and my team.
But as a nerdy introvert, this wasn’t really my thing. I wanted people to work with me because I was good, not because I knew how to schmooze. And that’s when I started to focus on value. Because if I could prove to somebody that I was an investment in their business, I’d have no problem selling — and no qualms in charging more.
I started trying to see how I could learn why my clients wanted to spend money. Why did they spend tons of cash on code and design that they could be spending elsewhere? What made them tick? Starting down this path required me to learn as much as I could about business, sales, and the psychology around why people buy as possible. I joined a number of business courses, hired a business coach, and started talking to anyone who I felt could help me really learn this stuff.
I ended up screwing up a lot of things along the way.
Running the numbers, I calculated that undercharging and having a haphazard sales process resulted in my agency losing out on well over $1 million in revenue.
But once I had everything in order — how to qualify leads, how to systematically learn about the pain behind their project, how to quantify the value of projects, and how to write proposals — everything changed for me and my business:
My team grew to 11 employees. Annual revenue topped over $2 million a year
Rome wasn’t built in a day…
Getting to the point where my agency was flourishing and we had consistent deal flow, a solid system for selling, and were able to charge a premium took months of trial & error. And after I exited my agency to start blogging at Double Your Freelancing, readers kept asking me to go into even more detail about how to sell and price the right way.
This led to a short ebook, Double Your Freelancing Rate, in 2012.
And now, more than half a decade later, that ebook has evolved into a full blown online course that’s been taken by over 8,000 freelancers and small agencies. Thousands of small companies (and the lives of their owners) have been transformed by this course. And I’d love to see you become our next student and our next success story.
Here’s everything you need to know about Double Your Freelancing Rate…
"January was my best month bringing in about $6,900. Doing proposals made a huge difference (which I got the verbiage for through the Double Your Freelancing Rate course). I learned how to explain value, rather than just sharing cost."

Maya Elious, Designer
What's Inside
Inside this course you’ll find all the know-how, scripts, documents, templates, case studies, and more you need to radically reframe the way you sell yourself to clients.
Each lesson is delivered in a text-based format, alongside a 60-day email "Virtual Course Club" program to help you implement. (There's also a huge video content update planned for early 2023 that all students will get access to!)
Module 1
Understanding Your Clients
What do your clients want? Why are they willing to part their hard earned money on freelancers like you? How can you truly understand what your clients need, and the value of your clients’ projects?
Module 1 Lessons:
Module 2
Your Rate
Why do most freelancers charge so little, and few charge a lot? In this module, we’ll dive into pricing theory and the science behind money as it relates to consulting.
Module 2 Lessons:
Module 3
How To Close The Deal
This module covers everything you need to know about pitching a client. We’ll look into how you should write your proposals, how to package your services, and what to do when clients push back.
Module 3 Lessons:
Module 4
The Path Forward
What’s next now that you’re charging premium prices? We’ll look into how you can start productizing your consulting, raising your rates on your existing clients, and building your brand.
Module 4 Lessons:
Video Interviews
Bonus video interviews with students who have successfully implemented the DYFRate framework.
Bonus Interviews:

Bart Mroz

Curtis McHale

Glenn Stovall

Nick Hance

Shanna Kurpe

Chad Owen

David Olesch

Kai Davis

Parveen Kaler

Vangos Pterneas

Ciprian Gavriliu

David Tanzer

Matthew Lehner

Robert Williams
Extra Resources
Inside this course you’ll find all the know-how, scripts, documents, templates, case studies, and more you need to radically reframe the way you sell yourself to clients.
Bonus Resources:

Swipe Files

Ready-To-Go Scripts

Document Templates
"As a direct result of Brennan challenging my thinking about value creation, we’re now able to charge a much higher rate, but we also deliver 10x the results than we have in the past."

Tom Morkes, Marketer
Who’s behind this course?
We are a husband and wife team who love freelance consulting, but are also hell-bent on helping other freelancers learn how to master the BUSINESS of freelancing.
A lot of us (ourselves included) started freelancing because we're technically solid... but end up learning the hard way being successful is much more than just being good at what we do. In addition to this course, we also write and podcast weekly for our audience of over 50k+ freelancers.
Co-owner, Double Your Freelancing
Laura worked as a freelance designer for 10 years before pivoting into helping others grow their freelancing businesses with her array of products and courses.

Founder, Double Your Freelancing
For the last decade Brennan has been working with clients. He started out as a freelancer, and after 3 years his business grew to an agency of 11 employees and a $2 million in annual revenue.
This Course is For You If...
This Course is NOT For You If...
"When I ran into Brennan’s material, I doubted my competency and expertise in my industry. Looking back at it now, it was the main reason I talked myself out of increasing my rates or taking risks that needed to be taken."

Princess Clemente, Designer

Our 60-day 100% Risk-Free Satisfaction Guarantee
I am totally confident that Double Your Freelancing Rate will bring you a HUGE return on investment. That's why I have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Simply take the course and if you don't feel you've gotten more out of it than you paid, email me at hello@doubleyourfreelancing.com within 60 days and I’ll refund your full investment.
What’s next for you and your business?
I’m not sure what your goals are with your freelancing business.
Maybe you want to spend more time with your friends and family? (Just think: If you 2x’ed your prices you could work half the time with no income change.)
Or maybe you just want to make money without having to work more? (There’s nothing wrong with that.) Travel the world, upgrade your house, pay off your debt, start (or grow) a family, or do whatever having more money and more predictability could do for you.
Honestly, I don’t care what you want to do after you’ve raised your rates. I just want to help you increase your freelancing income.
Right now you have two paths you could go down:
- “The Long Road”: Continue doing what you’ve been doing and slowly piece together your own unique process through a lot of trial and error.
- “The Shortcut”: Adopt a proven framework that has helped thousands of others like you build a more profitable business.
What would being able to raise your prices by just 10% on your next client project mean for you?
And what if you were 2x more likely to close your next project lead?
The choice is yours.

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Double Your Freelancing Rate Course
$297 Normal Price
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Frequently Asked Questions
The knowledge and tools in Double Your Freelancing Rate will have you commanding higher rates, working with better clients, and closing a much higher percentage of your sales calls.
Many of our students have used the knowledge from this course to double or triple their rates (and beyond).
Double Your Freelancing Rate is a great fit for you if you’re a freelancer or agency owner who wants to…
- Raise your rates — Affording you more flexibility and financial freedom
- Get better clients — Clients who value your time and give you creative freedom
- Close more sales calls — Knowing how to position value is key to high close rates
- Sell without feeling sleazy — Our whole methodology revolves around providing as much value as possible to the client, which is as un-sleazy as you can get
- Craft irresistible proposals — Knowing how to speak perfectly to what the prospect’s looking for = a huge increase to your proposal acceptance rate
Double Your Freelancing Rate is a complete framework for learning how to position your services through the eyes of “value provided to the client,” which will allow you to ethically charge much more, while offering a service that’s wildly profitable for your clients — a service that they’re thrilled to pay your high rates for because it’s providing such a great ROI for them.
If you've ever struggled to find high-quality clients who pay you top-dollar, you’re going to love this course.
It depends on how you go about it.
If you charge more with no modifications to how you position and deliver value, then yes, you’ll lose out on clients. No doubt about it.
But if you follow the Double Your Freelancing Rate methodology, you’re not just going out there and arbitrarily raising your rates.
Instead, what you’re doing is fundamentally changing how you position yourself in the marketplace.
You go from being a commodity to being a “deliverer of value and ROI.”
When you make this shift – and it is a fundamental paradigm shift that requires work – what ends up happening is that you lose appeal to one segment of the market, and gain appeal to a different segment of the market.
The 2 market segments at play here are…
- Commodity-seekers
- Partnership-and-ROI-seekers
When you implement the methodology taught in Double Your Freelancing Rate, you lose appeal to the “commodity-seekers.”
“Commodity-seekers” are the ones who are…
- Penny-pinchers looking for a basic, non-differentiated service
- Looking for freelancers to execute on their (the client’s) creative vision, rather than bringing one of their own
- Micro managers
But while you lose appeal to those “commodity-seekers,” you gain huge appeal to the “Partnership-and-ROI-seekers.”
The “Partnership-and-ROI-seekers” are the ones who are…
- Looking to hire someone who has a creative vision
- Looking for a partner whose judgement they can trust, so that they don’t have to micro manage
- More concerned about value and ROI than “getting something as cheap as possible”
Which of those two types of clients do you think sounds more fun to work with? 😉
(I know, it’s just so hard to choose; they both sound pretty great 🤣)
Where most freelancers go wrong when trying to raise their rates is that they raise them beyond the upper limit of what the “commodity-seekers” are willing to pay…
…Aaannnddd they don’t position their value in the way they need to in order to appeal to the “Partnership-and-ROI-seekers.”
…Which means they now appeal to neither market segment.
(At least before when they charged bottom-tier prices, they appealed to someone.)
The weeks go on, they don’t book any new work at their higher rate, and they get desperate.
They soon go back to charging what they were before (or less, to get a new gig ASAP) and write off the whole “charging more thing” as “something that can’t work for me — not in my super-competitive market.”
It’s a damned shame because these same freelancers could have had great results if only they’d known how to enhance and position the value of their services correctly.
Double Your Freelancing Rate is a complete framework for how to safely raise your rates, enabling you to get paid more, increase your client quality, and convert more prospects into signed-on clients — Without the risk of losing your shirt on some uneducated “flying by the seat of your pants” attempt that leaves you back at square one afterwards.
I’m not going to sit here and say it’s not important to be skilled at your craft when it comes to raising your rates.
Of course it’s important.
But what’s most important is the value you deliver to your clients.
If you’re too stuck in the weeds focusing on your “main” technical skill (designer, developer, etc.) that you don’t zoom out to look at how your unique set of skills can earn the client more money, save them more time, etc., you’re under-serving them.
(And you’re severely limiting how much you can be charging.)
For example, if you’re a world-class designer but all you’re doing is building super-pretty-looking brochure sites that aren’t geared toward driving conversions, there’s always going to be a cap on your earning potential.
But when you understand that your rates are most influenced by your skills at delivering tangible value and ROI, rather than your technical skill, a world of opportunities opens up.
The way I can best describe the relationship between these two types of skills – technical and value delivery – and how they affect your rates is that your knowledge of value delivery is like a “multiplier” on top of your technical skill.
Here’s the formula...
Technical Skill * Value Delivery Knowledge = What You're Worth
If you’re new and your baseline technical skill is low, but your value-delivery knowledge is high, you get to leap-frog months or years of the initial “crappy, low-paying client turmoil” that most freelancers have to suffer through.
And if you’re already technically skilled, this “rate multiplier” is what allows your rates to quickly explode through the stratosphere.
This “rate multiplier” is an explanation for why I’ve met newer freelancers who cross the $100/hr threshold within a year or two of getting started…
…And seasoned freelancers who are still stuck at $60/hr after 12 years at it.
The methodology you’ll learn in Double Your Freelancing Rate gives you this “rate multiplier.”
The “rate multiplier” comes from knowing how to…
- Sell — without being a sleazy, pushy salesperson
- Illustrate the tangible value & ROI your service delivers
- Enhance the value of your service
- Prune out low-quality prospects who are looking for low-priced, commoditized work
- Craft an irresistible proposal that speaks perfectly to what the prospect’s looking for
- Precisely calculate your rates based on value delivered, rather than just arbitrarily raising them because you want to get paid more
- Chose the right skills to add to your toolbox that will really move the needle on value delivered (and thus, the rates you can command)
Implementing the above is how freelancers go from charging $1,500 to $15,000 for a similar service.
It’s not because they’re 10x more technically skilled.
It’s because they know how to position their services based on value.
Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been freelancing for years, I’m confident that the process I walk you through in Double Your Freelancing Rate will have a huge impact on your business AND your rates.
(And if it doesn’t, there’s a 60-day 100% satisfaction guarantee.)
If you’ve never worked with a client before, this course isn’t going to have you coming out of the gates charging $200/hr even though you don’t have a portfolio or experience.
But here’s what it WILL do…
I guarantee that by taking this course, you’re going to:
- Know exactly what skills to build that will allow you to increase your rates ASAP
- Have an unfair advantage over your competition due to your knowledge of how to position your services and craft irresistible proposals
- Not get stuck for years in the “crappy, low-paying clients hamster wheel” that most other beginner freelancers can’t escape
Here’s the truth…
Building any kind of business – freelancing or otherwise – is like pushing a 10,000 pound boulder down a hill: it’s most difficult when you’re getting started.
…But after you start getting it moving, everything becomes easier.
Most freelancers try to start pushing that boulder without a strategy and without proper equipment.
Double Your Freelancing Rate is like having power armor AND an instruction guide for how to best get that boulder moving.
- Yes, you still have to move it.
- Yes, it’s still going to be difficult.
- Yes, it’s still going to take time.
But the difference is that while most freelancers are spending their first years broke, desperate, and aimless, you’re going to be following a clear path for building a thriving freelance business ASAP.
Here’s why it matters to build these skills ASAP instead of waiting until you’re more experienced:
(AKA What took me 3 years and $1,000,000+ in lost revenue to figure out…)
A few years into my solo freelancing business I decided to grow a team.
I knew that if I wanted to do this, I had to take control over how I sold. There was no other alternative.
If I was going to add tens of thousands of dollars a month to my payroll I had to bring in more money and bring it in more reliably.
I had to learn how to sell.
After a loooot of education, trial and error, and mentorship (and expensive mistakes), I finally found a framework that worked for charging more and selling more effectively.
(This framework is the backbone of the Double Your Freelancing Rate course.)
After having this framework in place, I ran the numbers and calculated that my undercharging and having a haphazard sales process resulted in my agency losing out on well over $1 million in revenue.
If only I’d learned all this stuff when I was just getting started as a solo freelancer, I would have earned more, worked with better clients, and had a solid plan for how to grow — right out of the gate.
Double Your Freelancing Rate is all the things I wish I could go back and teach myself instead of having to learn the hard way.
Whether you’re aiming to scale an agency or you want to stay solo, this course is your ticket to higher rates, better clients, and reclaiming hours of your life back.
I mentioned earlier that I guarantee this course is going to have results for you — I mean it.
I’m so confident that Double Your Freelancing Rate is going to have HUGE results for you – like it has for so many of our other students from our 8,000+ alumni – that I will happily refund you every penny you invest if it doesn’t. (Just email me at hello@doubleyourfreelancing.com within 60 days requesting a refund)
It only takes about 5 minutes spent on freelancer Reddit or FB groups before you see the same one-line, generic advice touted…
“yOu JuSt NeEd To RaIsE yOuR rAtEs”
But there’s a risk that this pithy advice neglects to mention…
Raising your rates without proper preparation can be very dangerous.
Here’s why:
The rate-raising strategies I teach in Double Your Freelancing Rate all hinge upon value.
I show you a process to determine – and enhance – the value your services deliver to the client so that you can calculate a specific price that nets you as much as possible, while still being a no-brainer-awesome-deal for the client.
(This process has resulted in many Double Your Freelancing Rate students successfully doubling their rates, tripling them, and beyond.)
But if you just go out and arbitrarily raise your rates because “Brennan said so” or because “some rando on Reddit said I should,” you’re setting yourself up for failure.
The reason why is because you haven’t changed how you position your value.
The fact is, you’re charging what you are right now because you think it’s what the market can bear.
You’ve probably thought something like the following to yourself before (maybe right now…)
“Sure, I’d love to raise my rates theoretically, but the reality is, I can’t.”
And you’re not wrong to think this. Without changing your value positioning and understanding how clients perceive value (and how you can enhance your value in their eyes), it is true.
Raising your rates isn’t about harnessing some “secret law of attraction to build your self-confidence and charge more based on this new confidence.”
And it’s definitely not about “faking it until you make it…”
It’s about scientifically executing a process that allows you to enhance and calculate perceived value in the eyes of the client — and raising your rates based on that.
Let’s illustrate this difference with a thought experiment.
Suppose you went out and doubled your rates today, without doing anything else differently. Same proposals, same prospective clients, etc.
How do you think that would that go?
If you sent a proposal at 2x your normal price to a prospective customer, would you truly believe it was a good deal for them?
Or would you feel slimey, imposterish, and like you were trying to take advantage of them and get more for your services than what they were worth?
…And what if a prospective customer declined your offer and said, “no, that’s too expensive and not a fair price, sorry.”
…Or they tried to negotiate your price down?
How would those things affect your belief that you chose the right price point to raise your rates to?
This, right here, is the problem with just going out and arbitrarily raising your rates.
You lack the all-important system of value calculation and positioning. You’re essentially saying to the world (and your prospective clients) “I should be getting paid more. No specific reason why… But I’d really like more money, so I’m charging more.”
Double Your Freelancing Rate shows you how you can delete that approach and have one more like… “This service I’m going to provide for you is clearly going to make you oodles of money in the coming years, and I’m charging you a small fraction of the financial benefit that my service provides.”
This is what’s allowed so many of the 8,000+ Double Your Freelancing Rate course alumni to double their rates.
Without losing clients.
Without feeling like imposters.
It’s how people who started out charging $1,500 for a package go on to charge $15,000 for a similar package with some tweaks made to it.
And it’s the same principle that allows me to charge clients $20k for a one-day seminar.
It’s not me saying “pay me $20k cuz that’s what I want.”
It’s knowing how to illustrate that investing this $20k will earn the client another $100k, or another $1,000,000+ in the coming years.
So to answer the question of “Can’t I just double my rates on my own without taking this course…?”
Sure, you could go double your rates without taking this course…
But I wouldn’t recommend it. 🙂
Good! Me neither. I think we can both agree the world doesn’t need any more sleazy salespeople.
Fortunately for you, the methodology laid out in Double Your Freelancing Rate is just about as un-sleazy as it gets.
Here’s how…
Instead of trying to push people into things – which is what sleazy salespeople do – we’re instead looking out for the best interests of our prospective clients, and crafting our offering to best serve those needs.
(A big part of the Double Your Freelancing Rate curriculum is built around teaching you how to create a service offering that’s so valuable and irresistible that you’re the obvious-best-choice for the client’s needs, over any of your competitors.)
The beauty of the Double Your Freelancing Rate process is that it creates a value-exchange relationship that’s better all around — both for you AND your clients.
Sleazy salespeople are only looking out for themselves.
Ethical, smart, DYFRaters are looking out for the client as their #1 priority, and reaping huge financial rewards as a result.
This is what allows you to charge more than you ever have before, while also supremely satisfying your and getting amazing testimonials from them.
This is one I see a lot from freelancers who are stuck in the “commoditized work hamster wheel.”
The fact is, if your core offering is something like “Wordpress install and basic settings configuration,” you’re always going to struggle with pricing.
When the service you offer is ultimately a commodity, there will always be a price cap.
And there’s always the most competition at the bottom.
The trick – and what Double Your Freelancing Rate teaches you – is to escape from the feeding frenzy of commoditized work by creating a service offering that places you in a totally different pond than everyone else.
The nature of the internet is that it’s lowered the barrier to entry for new freelancers looking to fulfill commoditized tasks.
But while this creates more competition at the bottom, it also creates more opportunity at the top for freelancers who are willing to challenge themselves to do things differently.
This abundance of unqualified “task-fulfillers” creates a painful need for clients to be able to find an expert who’s truly looking out for their broad business needs, and offers a service that helps their business grow.
Double Your Freelancing Rate teaches you how to create a service offering that will have you standing apart from all the competition, regardless of how competitive your market is.
In short, the busier you are, the more you need to know how to properly raise your rates and deliver more value to clients, because it’s the #1 thing that allows you to claim your life and time back.
When you’re stuck fighting for scraps at the bottom, you’re forced to work all the time just to make enough to live — if you’re lucky.
(Not to mention all the unpaid time it takes responding to posts, crafting proposals that are never accepted, and chasing leads.)
The framework I walk you through in Double Your Freelancing Rate will SAVE YOU TIME by enabling you to…
- Close more sales calls — Knowing how to position value is the key to high close rates
- Craft irresistible proposals — This means less wasted time drafting proposals that are declined or ignored
- Raise your rates — Affording you more flexibility and financial freedom
Imagine the time you’ll save not having so many pointless 1-hour sales calls that don’t pan out…
…Or all the time you’ll save by not having so many of your proposals collecting dust in an inbox somewhere.
If you implement what you learn, the Double Your Freelancing Rate methodology could easily win you back 10 hours a week or more with no income reduction.
(In fact, it’s more likely to be 10 extra hours a week, while earning much more than you were before!)
What kind of time investment is creating that reality worth to you?
Is it worth carving out a few minutes each week to go through the course material and start implementing it?
The course is 100% self-paced and taught online, so it’s up to you how much you time you want to invest into it.
Even if you can only spare 10-15 minutes a week to go through the course, you will see results.
But the more time you can invest per week, the sooner you’ll see those results.
In an ideal world, I’d have you spending about 30 minutes a week working through the Double Your Freelancing Rate content and implementation exercises.
If you can manage this, I’m 100% confident you’ll start to see results in the coming months.
Sure, you’re not likely to go from charging $1,500 to $15,000 quiiiiite that fast, but I’m certain you’ll feel a new sense of confidence from knowing you’ve laid the groundwork that will support your transformation and rate multiplication over the coming years.
I’m also confident that if you can invest this time consistently, you’ll see some quick wins in the coming months.
Quick wins like…
- Charging more than you are now
- A much higher close rate on your sales calls
- Avoiding nightmare clients
- Confidence in pricing your proposals
- Working with higher quality clients than you are now
Questions to ask yourself…
- What’s your long-term rate-multiplying transformation worth to you?
- What are those quick wins worth to you?
Is it worth trading out one episode of TV per week to create this new reality?
Or cutting out just 5 minutes per day of social media? (5 * 7 = 35 mins a week gained)
I know how transformative Double Your Freelancing Rate can be because of the amazing results we’ve seen in our roster of over 8,000 past students.
So what’s it gonna be…?
Another episode of Rings of Power?
Or are you ready to forge your own “ring of freelancing power” (ridiculous metaphor, I know 😅) with this new knowledge from Double Your Freelancing Rate that will allow you to…
- Close more sales calls — Knowing how to position value is the key to high close rates
- Craft irresistible proposals — This means less wasted time drafting proposals that are declined or ignored
- Raise your rates — Affording you more flexibility and financial freedom
And don’t forget that if you take the course and you don’t feel you’ve gotten more out of it than you invested, all you have to do is email me at hello@doubleyourfreelancing.com within 60 days for a full refund.
Yes. I’m 100% confident it’s worth the money.
…And it’s not just based my feelings or opinion…
It’s based on SCIENCE. 🧪
Here’s what goes into that…
When you enroll in Double Your Freelancing Rate, you’re getting lifetime access to the course for $297.
How fast that $297 investment pays itself off…
Let’s say you’re really struggling with your rates and you’re charging $10 an hour right now.
And let’s say for the sake of argument Double Your Freelancing Rate enables you to increase your rates by a modest 20%. (Most students see much more)
And enables you to close 10% more sales. (Again, very conservative)
These are both extremely conservative numbers, and just meant to illustrate a scenario to you.
(I’m quite confident that if you were actually charging $10/hr and took this course, this knowledge would allow you to 10x your rates over the course of the next few years.)
But anyway, let’s keep things modest and keep that 10% rate increase — this means you’re now at $12 an hour.
That extra $2/hr means the course is totally paid off after 149 hours of billed work.
Depending on how many hours a week you’re working, that means the course would be totally paid off for you in a month or two.
(Not to mention all the benefits to your conversion rates, all the time you save on proposal crafting, and the higher client quality that brings you more joy from your work…)
But even though you’d have the course paid off in a month or two, the knowledge will serve you for life.
It’ll benefit your freelancing career, and any other business you start in the future.
But you’re probably not charging $10/hr.
Let’s look at how long it’ll take for the course to pay itself off for you personally.
How to know if DYFRate is worth the money for you:
Take the “conservative payoff timeline challenge…”
- Calculate what an extra 20% hourly rate would be for you (i.e. 20% of $60/hr = 12)
- Divide 297 by that number (i.e. 297/12 = 24.75)
- That’s how many hours of client work it takes before the course becomes free (and furthermore, starts paying you)
When seasoned investors put their money into the stock market, they’re happy if they earn back what they put in after 8-10 years.
But you? I’d wager you’ll pay off the price of DYFRate within a couple months.
So is it worth it?
I say hell yes.
And remember…
If you take the course and you don’t feel you’ve gotten more out of it than you invested, or you’re not on track to get a HUGE ROI from it, all you have to do is email me at hello@doubleyourfreelancing.com within 60 days for a full refund.
You get lifetime access!
And as I add new material to this course, you’ll get it free of charge. Updates are on me.
And remember, you also get access to the huge video content update planned for early 2023.
It sure is!
Simply enroll in Double Your Freelancing Rate, give it a try, and if you don’t think the course is worth more than what you paid, just email me at hello@doubleyourfreelancing.com within 60 days and I’ll gladly refund you every penny.
Last Chance to Enroll...
Remember... Your purchase includes lifetime access and a risk-free 60-day 100% satisfaction guarantee.
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Double Your Freelancing Rate Course
$297 Normal Price
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