The Freelance Cold Outreach Calculator

How many clients can you get, and what will they cost?

If you do cold outreach the right way, it can absolutely crush.

But most freelancers don't do it right.

Most freelancers either spam people or send emails one-by-one and never hit a high enough volume to get results.

The "secret" is to find the sweet spot between those two approaches:

👉 High volume, but also high-value for the recipient.

When you do this right, you're running the strategy I call "Automated, Value-First Outreach" and it's what I teach step-by-step in the $200k Freelancer course.

We've loaded up the calculator below with real world stats from a 7-figure cold outreach pro based on what his clients regularly see (whose process we teach in $200k Freelancer) so that you can estimate what's possible.


— Zach

The Freelancer's "Automated, Value-First Outreach" Results Calculator

We've loaded up the calculator below with real world stats from a 7-figure cold outreach pro based on what his clients regularly see (whose process we teach in our $200k Freelancer course) so that you can estimate what's possible.