Doors open Sept. 30th. Only 30 Seats Available.

$200k Freelancer

Course + 6-Month Implementation Program

ATTN Freelancers who are skilled at their craft but struggle with marketing themselves:

Build a machine that generates clients – predictably and controllably – and grow your freelance income to $200k/yr+.

And students who implement get an ironclad 6-month 200% ROI "gets-you-clients guarantee" to make it totally risk-free. 😊

Sign up below for insider updates & first dibs before it sells out👇

30 spots max. Doors open Sept. 30 for 1 week only. 200% ROI guarantee.

Scary Fact:

Most freelancers — even experienced ones — are "one stroke of bad luck" away from losing everything.

(I know, because it happened to me — twice!)

Here's how...

Most seasoned freelancers primarily get clients from word of mouth.

(And many take it a step further and have 50% or more of their income coming from one or two big "whale clients.")

This creates a situation where they have "all their eggs in a very small 'client basket'" and rely heavily on luck in order to keep putting food on the table.

And the trouble with relying on luck?

It always runs out — eventually.

Hey, Zach here.

I can speak to the above reality because I've LIVED IT.

And if you're like 90%+ freelancers, you have too.

And it's freaking scary.

But we show up, do our best work, and hope that if we simply do a good enough job, things will work out.

And most of the time, things generally do.

...Mostly / kinda / sorta...

...At least, until they don't.

And then we have that "oh sh*t moment" where we realize:

"I have no idea where my next client is going to come from, and I don't have much I can do to actually affect that."

Sure, we can reach out to past clients to ask for more work or referrals...

...But it's not like we can exactly do that every week.

("No Zach, I still don't have any new projects for you since the last time you asked 6 days ago...") 

And if nothing comes of it, we're totally out of luck, left to sit on our hands until something comes our way.

(Or swallow the pill of looking for low-paying work from marketplaces like Upwork... 🤢)

Then the panic sets in.

As we come closer to the end of our currently-booked projects, or watch our savings dwindle, we panic more and start to feel desperate.

😨 "Am I charging too much?"

😬 "Demanding too much? Should I be less picky about clients and say 'yes' to that one I have a bad feeling about?"

😭 "Do I need to, like, go back on Upwork? I thought I was past all that..."

Sometimes we get lucky, and things work themselves out.

We get that lucky referral right in the nick of time, and outpace the "era of 0 income" for another month.

But other times, we DON'T get lucky.

And in those times, it's easy to feel like all these years we've spent "building our business" haven't really added up to much of an asset.

...And that we're just spinning our wheels, taking what we can get, for as long as we're lucky enough to have it, crossing our fingers & hoping it doesn't all go away.

Even those of us who've been lucky enough to not have multiple "quiet months" (a.k.a. "hungry months") between projects have that nagging thought in the back of our minds...

"My entire livelihood could disappear if these referrals stop or if this big "whale client" fires me — and there's nothing I can do about it..."

Fortunately, there IS a way out of this...

The Path Forward

To escape the freelancer "luck trap," you need a predictable, scalable system to generate leads and clients.

A system that allows you to hit "go" whenever you need more work and hit "pause" when you're fully booked.

Imagine having an automated lead-generating machine that doesn't rely on referrals or hope — one that you can dial up or down depending on your workload.

But here’s the thing...

Creating a reliable system isn't as simple as throwing together random tactics like blogging, social media, or content marketing.

Those methods can work, sure, but they’re slow, inconsistent, and not always measurable.

What if there was a way to reliably turn on client acquisition like flipping a switch?

…A method that was built specifically for freelancers, designed for you to win—without needing to build an audience or spend all day on social media.

…A method that’s proven and has already been used to drive over $1,000,000 in client work for other freelancers and agencies across all industries.

Oh wait, there is, thanks to your dear pal Zach…


$200k Freelancer

A proven system that’s the fastest, easiest, & most reliable way I know of to land clients predictably & at scale — WITHOUT relying on luck, referrals, or outdated strategies that work for only a select few.

"What's $200k Freelancer?"

$200k Freelancer is an implementation-focused program that sets you up with a system for generating high-paying clients on demand.

...A system that DOESN'T rely on luck, referrals, or outdated strategies from 10 years ago that no longer work in today's post-ChatGPT world.

This system is already tested & proven.

In fact, it's being used right now by other freelancers and agencies to consistently generate leads and close clients. 

It’s already driven over $1,000,000 in client work — and now it’s available to help you do the same.

"How Does It Work?"

($200KF Lead Gen System High-Level Overview)

$200k Freelancer walks you through a proven system that's already been used to drive over $1,000,000 in client work for other freelancers and agencies. 

Here's how the system works at a high level...

Step 1:

🕵️ Target the Right Clients

Learn to build custom lists of high-value prospects in your niche, with step-by-step guidance on how to find and filter out leads that don’t fit.

Whether you’ve struggled with defining your niche before or you’re starting fresh, this process ensures you’re speaking to the right people.

Step 2:

💌 Run Automated, Value-First Outreach

Craft outreach campaigns that position you as the trusted expert your prospects need. Using personalized, value-driven emails, you’ll stand out from the sea of freelancers.

This system isn’t about spamming — you’ll be reaching out with offers that solve real problems, and prospects will actually thank you for outreaching to them.

Step 3:

🚀 Optimize & Scale

Once your outreach is live, you’ll track results (open rates, response rates, conversions), allowing you to test, tweak, and scale your efforts. You’ll know exactly what’s working, optimize the weaker areas, and confidently scale your outreach to bring in more high-quality clients — without burning out.

But let's take a quick pause. Because I know what you're thinking...

⚠️ Why You Should NOT Dismiss “Cold Outreach” ⚠️


☝️ Don't Make The [Costly] Mistake I Did!

Let’s address the elephant in the room: cold outreach.

Most freelancers hear “cold outreach” and immediately tune out. Maybe you’re thinking one of two things:

🤢 Objection #1:

"I don’t want to spam people."

(🙋 That was me, too.)

😤 Objection #2:

"I've tried cold outreach. It doesn't work!"

(Usually said by people who either used too spammy or too manual of a process)

But here's the thing...

💡 Cold Outreach is Actually a HUGE Category of Strategies...

...And it gets a bad wrap because it’s often misdefined by one bad experience or a poorly executed approach...

The Amazing Thing?

Here’s the key — when done right, cold outreach can absolutely crush it.

It can be used to predictably drive hundreds of thousands – or even millions – of dollars a year in revenue.

  • (And far from "spamming," people will literally thank you for cold outreaching to them.)

But in order to get this – and drive $200k/yr+ from it – you need to find the right balance between message quality and sending volume. Which is hard.

And you need to nail your messages, targeting, leads lists, followups, and campaign setup. (Which is harder.)

The Secret Sauce?

Why Does The $200k Freelancer Outreach Approach Work Where Others Fail...?

There's a reason why this cold outreach system has already driven over $1,000,000 in client work, while most freelancers who try to run their own outreach campaigns get no results.

Why THIS Cold Outreach System WORKS — While Others Fail:

Secret Sauce Reason #1:

It’s not spam.

This isn’t about sending generic “hire me” emails to thousands of people. It’s about automated, value-first outreach — getting in front of the right people with personalized offers that solve their specific problems, but doing that in an automated way in bulk.

Secret Sauce Reason #2:

Maximum volume + high quality.

Most freelancers fail at cold outreach because they either don’t send enough emails to see results, or they spam thousands of people without personalization.

The $200KF approach strikes the perfect balance between quality and volume — so you’re sending enough email volume to get data & results, while also achieving personalization & “just for me vibes” at scale, rather than through one-by-one research.

Secret Sauce Reason #3:

It’s math, not magic.

Cold outreach done right becomes a math equation. Once you understand it, you simply decide how many new clients you want, and you’ll know how many leads you need to reach out to, how many will turn into meetings, and how many of those will turn into clients. This makes client acquisition predictable and scalable.

Secret Sauce Reason #4:

Built for 2024’s freelance world.

This system has been tested in today’s hyper-competitive, post-AI landscape. Cold outreach gives you a direct line to clients, cutting through the noise of content marketing, social media, and SEO battles. It works right now, and developments in AI are only making it more effective for the freelancers who know how to harness it.

Secret Sauce Reason #5:

It’s been proven already.

This system isn’t theory or guesswork — it’s already been used to drive over $1,000,000 in work for other freelancers and agencies who are still using it today to generate new leads and clients whenever they want them.

Secret Sauce Reason #6:

It’s LITERALLY guaranteed to get you clients.

Given that the process has already been thoroughly tested and proven by dozens of other freelancers & agencies, we’re giving a 6-month, 200% ROI guarantee, so you know that if you invest the time into the program, you’re guaranteed to come out the other side with a client-printing machine.

Taste The Power & Predictability?

Cold outreach — when done correctly — offers unparalleled control and predictability. Want a taste of how sweet that can be? 👇

My favorite thing about cold outreach?

Once you know what you’re doing, you can replicate & predict success by controlling the variables.

It's the "math, not magic effect" on steroids.

And I freaking LOVE it.

Play with the calculator to experience the life-changing predictability, security, and control cold outreach can provide.

(I’ve pre-loaded it with real-world stats and conversion rates from REAL cold outreach campaigns that are running RIGHT NOW for other freelancers and agencies, so you can just play with the sliders and see exactly what's possible for you.)

  • Psssst... Want to go "full nerd mode" and see all the data and variables that go into this? Yes, please 🤓

"Will It Work For Me?"

The lead gen system $200KF gives you is incredibly powerful — but the program isn't right for everyone.

$200k Freelancer is for freelancers who are highly motivated to take control of their client acquisition and never worry again about where the next project will come from — and are ready to invest a few hours a week to make it happen.

👍 Who it's for...

  • Skilled at your craft — You’ve got strong skills at your craft and have used those skills for clients in the past, or have performed them at a day job.
  • Not in “crisis mode” — You don’t need clients ASAP; you're in a financially stable spot and ready to build a long-term lead gen strategy. (Once your system is running & dialed in, it’ll print clients fast; but it’ll take a few months to build it & dial it in before it can do that)
  • You have client capacity — You’re not fully booked right now, meaning you’ve got space in your schedule to take on new clients as the system creates them for you.
  • …Or the ability to CREATE capacity — If you’re working with a whale client for 30-40 hours a week now, you can see a pathway to reducing that weekly commitment with them once you start bringing in new leads and higher-value work. (Or temporarily working nights/weekends until you can fire that big client, if they’re unwilling to let you reduce hours)
  • Time to invest — You can commit around 5 hours per week to learning and implementing the $200k Freelancer system.
  • Motivated to fix lead gen — You have a deep, burning desire to take control of your client acquisition and are serious about doing the work to create that system.

Who it's NOT for...

  • Brand new to your craft — If you're still learning your skillset and can’t yet deliver value to clients, this isn’t for you. It’s normal to uncover areas for improvement during the program, but you need to come in with a baseline of competency.
  • Need clients urgently — This system will print clients fast once dialed in, but it takes a few months to get it there. If you're in financial survival mode and need clients right this second, it won’t deliver fast enough to meet those urgent needs.
  • Overloaded with no time — If your whale client demands 40 hours a week and would fire you if you cut back, it’ll be tough to implement the system. You need the bandwidth to generate leads, go on sales calls, and service the new clients the system generates. If you can't carve out that time (e.g. by reducing hours, or working nights / weekends temporarily), you won’t be able to build a system that’ll free you from that whale client and consistently deliver new clients.
  • Not motivated to fix lead gen — If taking control of your client acquisition is just a “nice to have,” this isn’t for you. The program will help you print clients on demand, but it takes effort to get there. We’ll guide you through every step, but there’s no magic wand to skip the work.

What's Inside?

$200k Freelancer is a 6-month, implementation-focused program comprised of training, tools, and live + async support.

It’s designed to give you everything you need to create a scalable, predictable client-generation system.

A Scientific, Data-Driven Approach

Each step in the $200KF process contains training, assignments, and implementation steps, all building on previous ones — validating with real-world data along the way to eliminate guesswork and avoid wasting time or money on expensive rabbit holes.

You won’t just be learning theory; you’ll be taking action immediately, running campaigns, and getting real feedback so you can improve & iterate as you go.

And the tools provided will help you analyze results and adjust your approach based on what’s working (and what’s not).

You’ll even get personal, one-on-one reviews and expert campaign debugging if you butt up against road blocks or uncertainty.

How it's structured:

6 Months to $200k/yr Lead Gen

The 6-month program is comprised of 15 core steps across 3 key phases.

These are delivered in bite-sized modules and lessons to make the process manageable and ensure you’re consistently moving forward.

In each phase, you’ll get video training, tools, assignments, and action steps to build your lead gen machine through a clear, proven framework.

Here's what the phases look like...

🗓️ Month 1
🏗️ Phase 1:

Build Your Marketing Foundation

You’ll create hypotheses for your niche, valuable problem to solve, and ideal client profile. You’ll be guided through all of this step-by-step with a process that guarantees your success even if you’ve tried and failed to do these things in the past. Plus, you’ll get tools and ChatGPT prompts to generate ideas you wouldn’t have thought of on your own.

🗓️ Months 2, 3, & 4
🧑‍🔬 Phase 2:

Marketing Experiments & Validation

This is where the secret sauce happens. You’ll build your first leads list, craft automated cold outreach campaigns, and start booking your first clients. As your campaigns run, you’ll gather feedback, refine your approach, and validate your offers and messaging by closing real clients.

🗓️ Months 5 & 6
🚀 Phase 3:

Optimize, Then Scale The Hell Out Of It

With a solid foundation in place, you’ll now focus on scaling — tracking your numbers, optimizing your campaigns, and turning your fledgling lead generation system into a client-printing machine.

It's also comprehensive.

Everything You Need For $200k/Yr Lead Gen.

This is the only lead gen and sales program you'll need to consistently generate clients on demand and scale to $200k/yr+.

But it’s more than just a short-term strategy.

$200k Freelancer will transform you into a competent marketer — someone who knows how to build, optimize, and scale a client-generation system capable of generating millions over your professional life.

You'll master the systems, strategies, and processes that will serve you for decades to come.

You’ll receive:

  • Step-by-step video training — to follow along with Zach and know exactly what to do.
  • Practice exercises & “watch me” videos — to ensure you fully understand and can implement each step.
  • A linear, step-by-step process — no guesswork on what to do or when.
  • SOPs & checklists — to remind you of key steps.
  • An adaptive curriculum tailored to your specific business, experience, and skillset.
  • Weekly overviews & recaps — outlining the lessons and assignments to prioritize that week.
  • Dozens of tools, templates, ChatGPT prompts, scorecards, and more worth over $4,279 saving you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars throughout the program.

You’ll get everything you need to generate leads, nurture them, sell, close clients, and then scale the hell out of your system once the basics are in place.

Did someone say "support...?" Zach's got your back.

A Ridiculous Level of Support Worth $5,762

In addition to the comprehensive curriculum, you’ll receive insane support to overcome any roadblocks that come up along the way:

  • Manual reviews of your work at all key checkpoints by Zach, ensuring your niche, emails, leads list, campaigns, offers are dialed in.
  • Pro-level campaign debugging to crack open your outreach campaigns and troubleshoot anything that’s underperforming if you get stuck, ensuring you don’t stall out when things don’t go as expected.
  • Weekly live calls for implementation progress reviews, Q&A, and campaign masterminding — plus access to the call recordings if you can’t attend live.
  • Async support from Zach to answer questions and unblock you whenever you’re stuck, with detailed video replies when needed.
  • Access to a private $200KF community to network with fellow freelancers, share insights, and get feedback on what’s working for others.

The support alone is worth $5,762, and it’s designed to guarantee your success — ensuring you don’t waste time or energy second-guessing what to do next.

And on that note, you’ll also get…

A 6-Month, 200% ROI Guarantee

And because I'm so confident in the system’s ability to deliver results, I back it with a 6-month, 200% ROI guarantee for students who implement.

(Full details on how it works are explained further down, so you can keep reading here first.)

Plus Over $4,279 Worth of Bonuses

To ensure you get the best results as quickly as possible, you’ll also receive a suite of bonuses worth over $4,279.

These include proven cold outreach templates, list-building tools, campaign forecasters, and more — all designed to save you time, fast-track your results, and make sure you hit the ground running.

You'll also enjoy...

Lifetime Access to Course Content (& Bonuses!)

You’ll receive lifetime access to all course materials, including video training, templates, checklists, and all future updates — so you can revisit any module at any time, whenever you need to refine or scale your system.

While the 6-month support program will guide you through implementing the system and optimizing it for your business, you’ll continue to have access to the course content long after the support period ends. This way, you can always come back to the material as your business grows and evolves.

Is it worth it...?

5h/wk * 6 Months = $200k/yr Lead Gen System

This program is anchored to 5 hours a week for both learning AND implementation.

Each week, you’ll receive precise training, action steps, and done-for-you resources to keep you steadily building toward $200k/yr.

In just 6 months, you’ll have a proven system to consistently generate high-paying clients — without relying on referrals, luck, or that one big client.

Would 5 hours a week be worth it to finally have that kind of control?

This isn’t just about hitting $200k/yr. It’s about achieving freedom—freedom from chasing leads, stressing over dry spells, and wondering where your next project is coming from.

That’s the true value of your time investment.

What They're Saying...

Plus Two Iron-Clad Guarantees

You're Guaranteed to get clients (or your money back!)

Learn more about our 2 guarantees below...

Guarantee #1

Unconditional 30-Day, 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee

This is our standard 30-day guarantee that we offer on all of our products.

If you join $200KF, start working through it, and you don't like it or "aren't vibing with it," you have 30 days to get a full refund.

👉 Starts counting from the first day of class! So that means this guarantee covers you until November 7, 2024.

Guarantee #2

Conditional 6-Month 200% ROI Guarantee

If you engage fully and follow the steps, I guarantee that within 6 months, you'll have your lead gen system up and running, and will have already generated at least $4,500 in client work from it.

If not, you can choose between a full refund or continued coaching until you do; whichever you prefer.

Guarantee Details:

Here are the 2 conditions of the 6-month 200% ROI Guarantee:

Condition 1: Engage

You need to actively participate. Complete the coursework, do the action steps, and submit your progress for manual review at key checkpoints like marketing planning, list-building, email writing, and campaign sending.

Condition 2: Implement & Iterate

Launch & iterate 3 cold email campaigns to lists of 500+ leads using our bulk list-building & automated email-sending methods. Debug & optimize after each, and request manual feedback from Zach or Thomas if you're stuck.

If you do both of these, failure is extremely unlikely. But if you meet the terms and still don’t achieve 200% ROI, here’s what happens:

"Cashing In" The Guarantee: 

You can either:

1: Get a full refund.

2: Opt for continued access to the program, live calls, and support until you hit your ROI.

If you choose continued coaching, you’re expected to remain engaged by sending at least one campaign per month. It’s not a free ride for sitting on the sidelines — we’re here to help, but you need to take action.

I’m confident that if you commit to this process, you’ll see transformational results. If you don’t win, I don’t want to win either. That’s why I'm offering this guarantee.

Early praise from the Private Beta that kicked off in July, 2024:

You're getting the chance to join $200k Freelancer early in its first "public beta."

A couple months ago, we kicked off a super-secret private beta in the community with a few students, and they have some nice things to say 😍

Meet Your Instructors

When you join $200k Freelancer, you’re not just getting a course — you’re getting direct access to two experts (Zach & Thomas) whose combined strategies have generated over $1,000,000 in client revenue for freelancers and agencies. 

From manual reviews of your campaigns to personalized guidance at each checkpoint, you’ll be supported by people who normally charge clients thousands of dollars for their time.

Zach Swinehart from DYF

Your Main Instructor

For 15 years, I’ve been freelancing, running agencies, and working with major names in the online marketing world — including top course creators like Amy Porterfield and John Lee Dumas. I bring my experience in niching, sales, offers, & raising rates to over $300/hr to $200KF and merge it with Thomas' cold outreach specialization.

Thomas Morgan from

Cold Outreach Specialist

Thomas has spent the last five years mastering cold outreach and has helped over 40 agencies generate 10,000+ leads and over $1,000,000 in client revenue.

About Zach

Your Main Instructor

For 15 years, I’ve been freelancing, running agencies, and working with major names in the online marketing world — including top course creators like Amy Porterfield and John Lee Dumas.

Despite this, I struggled with client acquisition for over a decade, relying too much on referrals. This lack of control nearly cost me my business twice when referral streams dried up.

In 2023, I became determined to fix this, researching and testing every freelance marketing strategy I could find.

Cold outreach kept coming up, and although I was skeptical due to past failures, I couldn’t ignore the success stories from other freelancers and agencies that I kept hearing.

After learning about Thomas, a cold outreach expert who had driven over $1 million in client work, I hired him to test it for my own freelance business.

The results were incredible — not an overnight fix, but a scalable and data-driven way to land clients predictably, without relying on luck or outdated strategies.

After thoroughly vetting Thomas, I spent 9 months merging his cold outreach expertise with my experience in niching, sales, offers, & raising rates to over $300/hr to create $200k Freelancer, a system already transforming freelancers’ businesses & giving them a reliable way to generate clients on demand.

About Thomas

Cold Outreach Specialist

Thomas has spent the last five years mastering cold outreach and has helped over 40 agencies generate 10,000+ leads and over $1,000,000 in client revenue.

His campaigns, which have booked meetings with brands like Lorna Jane, Domino’s, and Billabong, are tested and proven across multiple industries.

In $200k Freelancer, Thomas’ strategies form the core of the cold outreach system you’ll use to land clients. His methods for building lead lists at scale, crafting compelling emails, and scaling campaigns are woven into every part of the program.

While I’ll be your primary guide in $200KF, Thomas will have ongoing involvement to ensure our cold outreach system is always cutting-edge and up-to-date. And if your campaigns face a unique challenge that I’m unsure of, I’ll tap into his experience to help with campaign debugging and Q&A.

Early praise from the Private Beta that kicked off in July, 2024:

You're getting the chance to join $200k Freelancer early in its first "public beta."

A couple months ago, we kicked off a super-secret private beta in the community with a few students, and they have some nice things to say 😍

Why Trust Us?

Here's why you're in good hands...

When you join $200KF, you're not just getting theory or some outdated “tactic” from a decade ago.

You're learning what's working from cold outreach campaigns that are actively running right now for other freelancers and agencies.

And you're getting a proven system based on real-world data and results.

With over a $1,000,000 in client work generated and dozens of campaigns launched, we know what works, and we’re here to show you how to implement it for your business.

If you’re ready to take control of your client acquisition and scale your freelance income, you’re in the right place.

You’ll get the best of both worlds: Zach's years of experience refining the big-picture business strategies freelancers need, and Thomas’ in-the-trenches expertise in running cold outreach that lands high-value clients.

And plus, with a 6-month 200% ROI guarantee, you have nothing to lose.

DYF Has Been seen on:

So let's recap...

Here's Everything You'll Get in $200k Freelancer...

The Transformation:

By the end of the 6-month program, you won’t just have a client-generation machine — you’ll be transformed into a competent marketer who understands how to reliably and predictably scale your freelance business to $200k/yr and beyond.

You’ll know how to build, optimize, and scale a lead-gen system that can keep bringing you clients for years to come, without relying on referrals, luck, or whale clients.

The Benefits:

  • Control your client acquisition — Never stress over where your next project is coming from.
  • Generate leads on demand — Reach out to the right prospects with a proven outreach system.
  • Freedom from client dependence — Stop relying on a few clients for your entire income.
  • Scale predictably — Learn how to tweak, iterate, and scale your campaigns to grow your income reliably.

The Content:

You're about to get lifetime access to...

  • 6 months of comprehensive training in building a $200k/yr lead-generation system.
  • Step-by-step video training showing you exactly what to do.
  • SOPs & checklists to remind you of key steps.
  • A linear, step-by-step process with no guesswork.
  • An adaptive curriculum tailored to your business, experience, and skillset.
  • Weekly recaps & overviews to prioritize your learning and action steps each week.
  • The Bonuses — $4,279 worth of tools, templates, ChatGPT prompts, scorecards, and more to save time and fast-track your results.

The Support:

Your 6-month success program come with an insane level of support – valued at $5,762 – which includes…

  • Manual reviews of your work by Zach at key checkpoints.
  • Weekly live calls for progress reviews, Q&A, and masterminding.
  • Access to a private community of fellow $200KF’ers to network, share insights, and get feedback.
  • Async support from Zach to unblock you whenever you’re stuck.
  • Pro-level campaign debugging if you hit roadblocks.

Plus Lifetime Access to Course Content

You’ll get lifetime access to all course materials, including bonuses and updates, so you can revisit and refine your system anytime.

And 2 Epic Guarantees:

  • 30-Day Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee Try it risk-free, and if it's not for you, get a full refund.
  • 6-Month, 200% ROI Guarantee — Follow the steps, implement the system, and if you don’t generate at least $4,500 in client revenue, choose a refund or continued support until you do. (Click here for terms)

So, In Summary

You'll get all the training, bonuses, and support to guarantee your success, backed by an ironclad 200% ROI guarantee to remove all the risk.

And for this for the 1-week enrollment period starting September 30,  you can get in for the early access price.

(Enrollment will be limited to 30 students max)

After that, the doors close and the price goes up significantly once the next version of $200KF launches.

This system has already generated over $1,000,000 in client work for Thomas' freelancer and agency clients. Now, you’ll get to be part of the first public cohort to apply these same proven strategies.

Early $200KF beta students who started in July are already getting wins & clarity on their value, offers, and lead gen — and feeling energized about the path ahead.

If you're serious about controlling your client acquisition and scaling your freelance business to $200k/yr and beyond, now is the time.

You'll lock in the lowest price it’ll ever be — because after this enrollment period, it will never be as low again.

The doors will close Friday, October 4, or when the 30 spots sell out.

(And we probably won’t open again until 2025 while I focus on supporting the new students.)

So this is your chance to end 2024 strong and set yourself up for a massive start to the new year.

Want to grab it?

If so, drop your email below for insider updates & first right of refusal before we open the doors to everyone else👇

Hope to see you in there,

— Zach

Early praise from the Private Beta that kicked off in July, 2024:

You're getting the chance to join $200k Freelancer early in its first "public beta."

A couple months ago, we kicked off a super-secret private beta in the community with a few students, and they have some nice things to say 😍