DYF Weekly Goal Setting Template
Step 1:
Click the title below to copy. Then paste into a new post in the weekly goals log:
Step 2:
Copy the template itself with the button below and paste into the body of your new post:
- Options are...
🎉 Success!
🔨 Needs work
🛣️ Intentional pivot
😍 What's [at least] one "work life win" from last week?
- Could be...
- Something you did well for a client
- Time you spent working on your biz
- A goal you completed
- A thing you learned
- A challenge you overcame
- Somewhere you're seeing yourself moving forward on where previously you were stuck
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Replace this bullet point with your win(s) and then paste 'em into zoom chat!
Lessons Learned from Last Week:
- e.g. "Projects take way longer than I think," "Client calls eat into my deep work time," etc.
Top #1 Goal For This Week:
- Goal + detail & specificity
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Remember to focus on lead measures and things that are within your control!
Biggest Biz Pain:
- Explain biggest pain in biz currently
Bonus Goals For This Week (optional):
- Goals + detail & specificity
🫶 Section 2 — Personal
😍 What's [at least] one "personal life / self-care / mindset win" from last week?
- Could be...
- Getting your diet on track
- Prioritizing self-care even when you didn't want to
- Doing something kind for someone else
- Catching a hedonic spiral before you woke up on a pile of beer bottles covered in cheetos
- Taking time off to recharge your brain
- Cutting a work commitment or client that was draining your energy
Why am I working so hard and pushing myself out of my comfort zone? What's all this **in service to**?
- What definition of a good life is your work in service to?
How would you rate the quality of your life in general out of 10?
- x/10
What Are My Top Self-Care Habits?:
- The things that drive all the other things — Sleep, exercise, diet, etc. Write them down in order of importance. (minimum 1, maximum 3)
How'd I do on those top self-care habits last week?
- Options are...
🎉 Great!
🫤 So-so
🔨 Needs work
What should I do next week to either improve, or what went well this week that I want to KEEP doing, in service to those top self-care habits?
- Think in terms of structures, habits, routines, etc. and how you can minimize the willpower required to do what's in your best interest
What psychological challenges did I have this week in terms of work or personal life?
- e.g. Imposter syndrome, wanting to give up, low self worth, etc.
Is my current pace of work from last week sustainable? Do I need a break? Am I approaching burnout?
- Options are...
👍 It's sustainable; I could do this forever
🫤 My life was kinda imbalanced in the direction of work, but this is part of a phase that I think I'll get through
👎 I'm definitely approaching burnout and need to either schedule a vacation soon or lower my "work commitment bar" ASAP before it's too late
What structures can I put in place next week to help with the above?
- e.g. Firing a client, delegating certain tasks, saying no to certain projects, pushing non-critical things, asking yourself "do I *really* need to do this, or am I adding unnecessary commitment and time expenditure to my plate?"